Hit-and-run To intentionally "leech" a file downloading a file while seeding as little as possible.
Health does not indicate whether the torrent is free of viruses. 50% means that only half of the torrent is available).
It shows if all pieces of the torrent are available to download (i.e. Health Health is shown in a bar or in % usually next to the torrent's name and size, on the site where the. Torrent and p2p files typically use 160 bit hashes that are reasonably free from hash collision problems, so the probability of bad data being received and passed on is extraordinarily small. Hash checks greatly reduce the chance that invalid data is incorrectly identified as valid by the BitTorrent client, but it is still possible for invalid data to have the same hash value as the valid data and be treated as such.

If it fails verification, the data is discarded and requested again. Every piece received is first checked against the hash. Torrent files contain information like the file list, sizes, pieces, etc. "Hash" is the shorter form of the word " hashsum". torrent file that the client uses to verify the data that is being transferred. Hash The hash is a digital fingerprint in the form of a string of alphanumeric characters (typically hexadecimal) in the. Grab A torrent is grabbed when its metadata files have been downloaded. Freeleech Freeleech means that the download size of the torrent does not count towards your overall ratio, only the uploaded amount on the torrent counts toward your ratio. a torrent is said to contain a video, but it contains only a snapshot of a moment in the video, or in some cases malware). Fake A fake torrent is a torrent that does not contain what is specified in its name or description (e.g. Upon receiving the last pieces a cancel request command is sent to other peers. In order to prevent the last pieces becoming unobtainable, BitTorrent clients attempt to get the last missing pieces from all of its peers. This is because the faster and more easily accessible pieces should have already been obtained. In typical client operation the last download pieces arrive more slowly than the others. Endgame / Endgame mode Any applied algorithm for downloading the last few pieces (see below) of a torrent. Bram prefers downloader to leech because BitTorrent's tit-for-tat ensures downloaders also upload and thus do not unfairly qualify as leeches. This term, used in Bram Cohen's Python implementation, lacks the negative connotation attributed to leech. Downloader A downloader is any peer that does not have the entire file and is downloading the file. Distributed Hash Table Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) are used in Bittorrent for peers to send a list of other seeds/peers in the swarm for a particular torrent directly to a client without the need for a tracker.


Choked Describes a peer to which the client refuses to send file pieces. So if the availability is 1.6, the distributed copies will be 0.6 because it is only counting the "copies" of the file. Sometimes "distributed copies" is considered to be "availability minus 1". However, if two peers both have the same portion of the file downloaded - say 50% - and there is only one seeder, the availability is 1.5. Example: a peer with 65.3% of the file downloaded increases the availability by 0.653. A connected peer with a fraction of the file available adds that fraction to the availability, if no other peer has this part of the file. Each seed adds 1.0 to this number, as they have one complete copy of the file. Availability (Also known as distributed copies.) The number of full copies of a file (or set of files and directories) directly available to the client.